Be More.
Do Less.
Have More.

Emotional Mastery gives you the knowledge and understanding you need, as well as a feeling for, the most powerful tools of emotional intelligence. With this, you can learn how to utilise them effectively, to transform your life for good!

Your journey of Transformation

For those willing and able to invest in their personal growth, our 1-1 and group coaching format delivers transformational results. Are you willing to Be More, Do Less and Have More?

Be more

Your limiting beliefs, conditioning and life experiences combine to keep you small and sometimes insignificant.  Despite having outer success we can still feel inner turmoil, lack of fulfillment and your feeling of success can be short lived.

True success and fulfillment come when you feel you make a difference to yourself and those around you.

Do less

Do you find your life has become one endless stream of actions – doing, doing, doing? And it’s never enough.  Have you become a human doing? 

Are you ready to be a human being again? What would it be like to be in control of your time again? 

Have more

More time.
More money.
Better relationships. 

What would you like more of?
Maybe all of them?

Get your free e-book

There are three major areas of life that everyone struggles with:

Download the book for bite size information of the key points of my teachings on Emotional Intelligence (EQ), with tips on how to apply them in your business and personal life.

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How we help

Ask your mind if it knows the solution to your problems.

If you are reading this, the chances are that it doesn’t have a clue! 

Looking for the answer inside a mind that doesn’t know is like looking in an empty folder on your computer for an answer that clearly isn’t there.  Doing that doesn’t make sense.

Is it time to get out of your head and come to your senses?

Emotional Intelligence helps where the mind doesn’t have an answer.

How can Emotional Mastery improve your life?

Emotional Mastery combines established emotional intelligence techniques with accelerated coaching and training principles. 

The SOAR™ method is the result of this combination.

You may be busy and struggling or you may be busy and successful.  Either way you are still busy.  SOAR™ helps you to become successful without the busy.  It enables you to Be More, to Do Less AND still Have More.

Have more time, more money, better relationships.


Membership Programs

Applying the skill of EQ creates the link to doing the right things and getting the right results and how to successfully navigate your way to both greater success and greater fulfilment, in your professional and personal lives.

Working together improves all of us. Our Emotional Mastery community is made up of people are who committed to changing their lives and the lives of others to Be More, Do Less & Have More.

Time for introspection and learning of powerful skills to help with the ups and downs of life. Share and learn with a wonderful, open group of people who are ready to do life differently.
It really opened my eyes to something more out there that I can use to better myself, as well as how I can better deal with situations.
It's such a powerful way of working on yourself and your inner happiness (for you and those around you). I have made massive strides in a short space of time and would highly recommend.
A raw experience in line with an 'emotional group therapy' with participants from all walks of life. By attending the course you face certain questions you have perhaps spent life trying to avoid.

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Business owner's experience of Emotional Mastery

Property investor's experience of Emotional Mastery

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Check out our YouTube channel for lots of great insights into how we can help you going forward, along with stories from people who have helped turn things around.